Corporate Headshots Portraits LondonCorporate Headshots Portraits London

Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro
Kazuo Ishiguro
Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo IshiguroKazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro Nobel Prize winner in Literature 2017 held a press conference for the world’s press at his publishers Faber & Faber in Bloomsbury, London on the day the Nobel Committee in Stockholm announced his prize.


A short walk from Faber & Faber lies the London Review Book Shop, and here we met a delighted shop assistant John Clegg who had made a display of Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels on a small table. Connected to the London Review Book Shop is the aptly named The London Review Cake Shop and here John pointed out a small bench watched over by 2 yellow gnomes where Kazuo Ishiguro wrote parts of his novel The Buried Giant. We used to say to each other “Kazuo is here again with the manuscript”.


An assignment for Dagens Nyheter together with correspondent Katrine Marçal.

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