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Conference Vox Pops

Conference Vox Pops

We were delighted to supply short video interviews ‘vox pops’ for the Royal Academy of Engineering who held a 3 day conference, the fifth ‘Frontiers of Engineering for Development’ at the Academy’s headquarters, Prince Philip House in London.


We produced 5 vox pops on each day of the first 2 conference days, the questions asked were designed to give people a flavour of what happened at the conference, what topics were discussed and why they were important & what the speakers had talked about.
These interviews were edited onsite which allowed the academy to upload them to their social media whilist the the conference was underway. On the Academy’s Twitter feed @RAEngNews and on the conference hashtags #FoeDev #RAEngGlobal the 10 vox pops we produced have currently been viewed over 32K times.


One of our team Photographers supplied the conference photography, view the images here: Conference Photography London SW1

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