Conference Photography London SW1
We were thrilled to have been asked to supply the 3 day conference photography for the for the Royal Academy of Engineering their fifth ‘Frontiers of Engineering for Development’ at the Academy’s headquarters in London.
We photographed the key note speaker and the event chairs speakers, participants and the delegates networking with each other. The participants came from a range of engineering disciplines and the goal of the symposia was to introduce outstanding engineers to each other to facilitate collaboration in engineering for development, transfer new techniques and approaches across disciplines, and establish contacts among the next generation of engineering leaders.
Images also included a sight seeing boat trip along the River Thames and a dinner at the wonderful tropical garden in the Barbican’s Conservatory.
We also had one of our team videographers at the conference who video filmed short interview ‘vox pops’ and edited them onsite so the academy could post them on their social media each day, read the post here Conference Vox Pops