Storm Eunice hits the UK
Storm Eunice hits the UK with a rare red weather warning. This image of Newhaven lighthouse, East Sussex, was taken early in the morning when the wind speeds were up to 80mph (34m/s).
Behind The Picture
I wanted to illustrate storm Eunice with a dramatic image and felt that a raging sea would work well – but where to do it? Searching for lighthouses along the south coast my choice fell to the Newhaven Lighthouse perched on the end of the sea wall. Looking on a map I could see that a good angle to take the photographs would be from the town of Seaford with the lighthouse lying opposite 1km away across the Seaford bay.
A long lens was needed and I hoped my 500mm lens would have the reach, which it did and it also left space for the surrounding stormy sea. To heighten the sense of drama the image was converted into black & white.
Camera: Nikon D850
Lens: 500mm f/4
Shutter Speed: 1/8000
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 1000