Corporate Headshots Portraits LondonCorporate Headshots Portraits London

Social Media Profile Picture Size

Social Media Profile Picture Size

Social Media Profile Picture Size

When our clients commission us to take their corporate headshots and portraits their images are often used in their social media profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus & Pinterest.

Corporate Headshots & Portraits London

Our clients always receive their images as high resolution files, we can also supply these images specially optimised to use as profile pictures on their social media.  All social media websites will auto-resize images that are uploaded into the correct dimensions … but they will not look their best.

For optimal quality and sharpness your profile picture should be sharpened and optimised to the correct size for each social media website before uploading.


Linkedin Profile Picture Size

LinkedIn Profile Picture Size 200 x 200 pixels.

LinkedIn provides tools to easily upload and crop photos as large as 4MB in size to common file formats including JPG, GIF, and PNG. Photos will display best as long as they are at least 80×80 pixels and have a maximum limit of 4000 x 4000 pixels. LinkedIn provides an instant preview of your picture in the upload tool to see how your cropped image will look before you save it.

Facebook Profile Picture Size

Facebook Page Profile Picture Size 160 x 160 pixels.

Page profile pictures are square and displays at 160×160 pixels. The photo you upload must be at least 180×180 pixels. We recommend uploading a square image of your profile picture. Rectangular images will be cropped to fit a square.


Twitter Profile Picture Size

Twitter Profile Picture Size 128 x 128 pixels.

Twitter will resize this image in smaller versions for use elewhere on the site. The background banner picture is 2000 x 1200 pixels.


Google+ Profile Picture Size

Google Plus Profile Picture Size 250 x 250 pixels.

Google has rolled out the complete new interface of Google Plus. They added many new features including the Cover Photos for Google Plus Profiles and Pages. The size of Google plus profile picture is 250 X 250 pixels whereas the size of Google plus cover/banner picture is 940 X 180 pixels.


Pinterest Profile Picture Size

Pinterest Profile Picture Size 165 x 165 pixels.

Square images that are larger than 165×165 pixels will be automatically resized to fit. Square images that are smaller than 165×165 pixels will be stretched to fit. Rectangular images are centered, resized, and cropped automatically so the resulting profile picture might not be your ideal.


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