Corporate Headshots Portraits LondonCorporate Headshots Portraits London

Corporate Headshots Film

Please watch our short film that shows how we can easily and conveniently make composite corporate group photos and how we can photograph your headshots against a white background or add a bespoke background of your choice.

Composite Group Photo
Composite Corporate Group Photos
Composite Group Photo
Composite Group Photos
Composite Group Image

Composite Corporate Group Photos

All the people in the above images were not photographed together – they were all photographed individually! and then carefully combined into a composite group photo. At Earthy Photography we have the required skill sets necessary to accomplish this.

These group images are samples of previous work showing how we can create composite corporate group photos from individual staff members and at the same time supply you with a set of individual corporate headshots against a background of your choice.


There are tremendous benefits in creating a composite corporate group photo in this way. If someone was to join or leave your company we can easily and quickly create a new group image without the requirement of all the other staff members having to be photographed again – your company profile will always be up to date.

We would come to your offices with our mobile studio and photograph each staff members headshots and then we would photograph them in ¾ length portraits – we can photograph up to 30 staff members in one day. The day after the photo shoot all your images can be viewed in low-resolution in your own password protected on-line gallery, we have a super user friendly system for you to be able to pick your favourites.


The group photo background can be against any colour … such as the colours of your branding. The background can also be a graphic or a photograph such as a London scene or landscape or you can use your own office as a background.

Composite Group
Composite Group

Composite Team Group Images

We can also create groups images for different company departments or teams – all from the original images that were taken. To photograph your headshots & group images in this way is an investment in your photography and we can easily change your images when you wish without the need everyone having to be photographed again and with no disruption to the running of your office.

Corporate Photographers London
Corporate Headshots Custom Background
Corporate Headshots White Background
Corporate Headshots Office Background
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Corporate Photography
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Corporate Photography
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