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Brexit Lorry Parks

Brexit Lorry Parks
Brexit Lorry Parks
Brexit Lorry Parks Kent
Brexit Lorry Parks Ashford Kent

Brexit Lorry Park & Customs Clearance Centre Ashford

An assignment for Helsingin Sanomat about the lorry park & Brexit customs clearance centre being built at Asford next to the M20 motorway in Kent where it is planned that some 2,000 lorries can be parked on the site.

The lorry park’s 27-acre site is being built on farmland separating the historic Sevington and Mersham villages south-west of Ashford and work was recently stopped as a Saxon wall was discovered on the site.

We met with locals who oppose the construction at the historic thirteenth century Sevington Church that lies next to the site and also with arriving lorry drivers using the M20 services.

It has since been announced that up to a further 29 lorry parks will be built across England in order to cope with border trading after Brexit, under emergency government powers.

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